2019 vs 2012

Assalamualaikum brother & sister,

Such a long time I didn't update my Blog.Last was in 2012 when I was in A-level.
Yes,I miss blogging and reading famous blogger here.But because busy lifestyle plus my notebook under repair that time,force me to stop looking at my notebook and time goes by still never touch anything.

I still feel new on here,even in the past I'm still learning on how to wrote/write properly.Should I start again and sharing my stories and anything?Is there's anyone want to read mine?
Actually those not my intention while typing this.I just randomly miss my blog.

me laugh at what i'm wrote back then,such a childish stories (well mybe i'm still same?)
I can't believe I'm so brave to randomly wrote stories anything which came on my mind.
I thought I grown up well as Adult!..but sorry,such a chessy me who think i'am know how and what to do when comes to writing..hahaha

I feel proud back then when I show my friends about my blog.and let them follower me.But not all of em' reading those,,haha..btw,Are you still there my friend??

Ironically I'am still learning writing in English.Never sit on proper class well even take an Muet exam,pass but still dumb!..haha
It's not easy wrtiting in English same goes to speaking .Even I use to meeting with supplier,boss and customers who speak in English but still.Dealing with supplier is easy because we use simple convo (angguk2 geleng2)haha..this is Malaysia y'all~

I should stop for awhile cause couldn't find any an idea to continue this.

Hey!~if you know me..comment below and follow each other.
I'am still learning how to upgrade my blog page,hope we can connected via Insta or Twitter soon.

Till then,see ya,,thnks!!


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